v1.5.4 Build Notes
Author: VR Dev,
published 1 year ago,
The v1.5.4 patch brings new consumable items, longer decay times, and small UI improvements.
[b]Items and Loot[/b]
[list][*]Introduced new single use items, which are activated using the consumable slots, similar to Potions. But unlike potions, these are for more general world abilities, such as AoE attacks or circle spells.
[*]Rare, Epic, and Legendary loot will now take longer to decay when on the ground than more common items. Rare items will despawn after 90 seconds, legendary and epic items will spawn after 2 minutes. Common and uncommon loot will still despawn after 1 minute.
[list][*]Nerfed two overpowered NPC special abilities.
[*]Added new random loot to a variety of NPCs. Spell casters and demons, primarily.
[b]User Interface[/b]
[list][*]Changed the Remove Skill tooltip text to be Replace Skill, as that more accurately reflected what the option did. It can be used to both replace a skill slot with a different skill, or it can return the slot to empty.
[*]Skill tooltips on the action bar now indicate that you can use ALT+Left Click to replace a skill in all circumstances. Previously it would display this information if the slot was empty. But once you slotted a skill, there was no indication of how to remove or replace it. That has been fixed.
[list][*]Localization updates.[/list]