The Hopebringer: v1.6 Patch
Author: VR Dev,
published 1 year ago,
We are happy to announce that we have moved the latest Public Beta branch into the live build.
This patch updates from Unreal Engine 5.1 to Unreal Engine 5.3, and in the process it adds automatic DLSS support if you have a DLSS compatible video card. This update should improve performance and stability for most users.
If you run into any unexpected issues with this patch, please provide feedback in [url=]this thread[/url], and we will address it as soon as possible.
In case anyone does have issues, we have set up a new SafeMode branch. This branch will utilize the previous version on Unreal Engine 5.1. This is a safe fallback for users who the game ran fine for before, but for some reason experience issues unexpected issues, or crashes. It will allow them to play the game until we can address any issue that may sprout up.
We do not anticipate you needing this branch, but if you do here is how to activate it:
[b]How to Enable the Safe Mode Branch[/b]
1) Right Click on The Hopebringer in your Steam client and select Properties.
2) Click on the betas tab of the Properties window.
3) Up at the top will be a drop down for Beta Participation. Select the "SafeMode - If you run into any issues try this branch". Select it. If you do not see the SafeMode branch, you may need to restart Steam in order to make it appear.