Embark upon the adventure of a lifetime through a magical world! Join your friends on a quest along a winding path full of game-changing decisions. Dress up as an Adventurer or Engineer, or blend in with the wildlife in your Monkey Onesie! Set off from the charming Explorer’s Campsite and choose love or single life among the tree-covered ruins of the Deep Jungle. Journey onwards and discover the glittering Waterfall Village and the Golden City itself! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/39156327/9faf6d9b22c418c3b9aab883937881f44be16ae9.png[/img] Make choices, face challenges and find out who you really are in your search for El Dorado. It’s the adventure of a lifetime and it’s yours to define. The Game of Life 2 digital board game is available for cross-platform multiplayer gaming on PC, mobile and Nintendo Switch, and the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2485880/The_Game_of_Life_2__El_Dorado//]El Dorado[/url] world is available now! Play El Dorado now and challenge your friends and family on their favourite platforms today! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/39156327/55a8484474a4431152d916e3eebcc595154adf37.png[/img]