
Though maybe not including those party clothes you're given, the armour and outfit options in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are great. From mage robes to the mighty Nordic Carved Armour (with the bear head-shaped helmet), you have a lot of choices on how to kit out your Dragonborn. However, one cool aspect of costume customisation that features in developer Bethesda's later title Fallout 4 was missing in Skyrim until now - or, hopefully soon at least.

Reddit user TheDalbak18 has posted some information about a new Skyrim mod they're building called a Dynamic Clothing System. Basically, it introduces outfit-creating mechanics from Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls Online to Skyrim. The user's description says "it splits some of the vanilla outfits into the 11 different parts which [are] shoulders, neck, chest strap, arms, torso, torso armour, girdle, pants, groin armor, tights armour, and knee armour."

Making a total of 13 slots, this allows you to make your own outfits by equipping parts from different armour sets.

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