Mojang's fight to retain the name for their upcoming fantasy card trading game will go to court. It's the result of a legal challenge made by Bethesda earlier this year claiming that the word "Scrolls" infringes on their The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim trademark. Notch cheerily announced the news earlier on Twitter.

"The Scrolls case is going to court! Weee! :D"

Notch's first assumption that "this is hopefully just lawyers being lawyers" doesn't seem entirely true in the light of a looming court case. It seems that Bethesda are very serious about getting Mojang to change the name of their new game. It could set a worrying precedent, and certainly screw over the scribe-sim I'm currently working on, The Elder Elders: Scroll of Scrolls (V). If only this lawsuit could somehow all be settled with a game of Quake 3.