Hi! Been a long time since the last update and I new feel it is the right time to recap how development is going! Steam Next Fest has been great and more people than I expected played the Demo. The Dark Horde gained almost twice the wishlists that I set as minimum goal to be happy about the event itself. Met also some players that were absolutely blown away by the demo and have been sharing their daily progress in Discord (even designing strategies I've never thought of...). What is still missing for The Dark Horde v1.0? To be honest the EA version is almost complete but the feedback I received during SNF made me reconsider various things: - Time Units left before Time Up are now explicit. Previously you had to evaluate the Sun and Moon position only. - The UI now shows the number of Gold/Souls/Corpses on the Battleground the help the player evaluate decisions. - the card "Lust for Gold" (and its upgraded version Grab Riches) have been changed by popular demand and the Gold will not be thrown behind the tower - I will had a screen to inform the player of which Miracles are being added each round with an options to pay [still to be decided] to reroll the Miracles hoping to find more forgiving ones... - I will add an option to REMOVE cards from the deck; also this request came from various players so I simply cannot ignore it. My initial idea was that players were meant to deal with what they had, but clearly removing cards is something deckbuilder lovers like too much... - I solved all the small/big bugs found during SNF So, what will there be in the game on release? - 15 premade decks, 5 per domain (Death, Destruction, Corruption) - Endless Draft mode - 132+ cards - 60 reward cards - 21 Miracle cards - 6 level of difficulty for each deck - 4 Mid Bosses (on Deck Run round 9) - 4 Final Bosses (on Deck Run round 15) What will be added after Early Access to the game? - 30+ Death/Destruction/Corruption cards - New Domain: Frost cards! - Compendium with information about cards, minion, villagers, lore - Leaderboard (I want to balance the game a bit first, then we can talk about score :D) - Extra Mid Bosses / Final Bosses The Dark Horde will be released end of September, if in the meanwhile you want to hang out with me, or if you have cool ideas or anything to report, join my discord server [url=https://discord.gg/Jxad2TfYYx]HERE[/url] !