Hey Prospectors! A good day to you all and welcome to our usual meeting, the time and place for everything about our upcoming Season 3. Today’s announcement will be taking a deadlier spin than usual, as we’ll be focusing on your favorite tools of destruction, your valuable vectors of devastation, your beloved mayhem contraptions. You’ve guessed it (I hope you have at least), today is guns galore! [h1]New means to maim and murder[/h1] [h2]The Reasoning[/h2] Before we go into any details, we’d like to have a few words about why we felt a change was necessary. While the game currently boasts a decent array of weapons, we’ve realized there are still a few spots worth filling. For instance, we’re still lacking Uncommon snipers and Rare SMGs, while there’s a clear absence of Shotguns and Pistols of higher quality. We thought those spots were worth looking into. Meanwhile, we’ve also noticed through data analysis that a lot of players seem to be suffering from a good ol’ “too good to use” syndrome. What’s that? It’s when some items are deemed so valuable that players can never find a good situation that would justify their use. In more familiar terms perhaps, it’s when you finish a roleplaying game with 99 copies of the ultimate healing item that you could have used at any point but decided not to, just in case. The result of these observations is that players are mostly stuck with Rare quality equipment and that some weapons, like the KARMA or Zeus Beam, are so rare and valuable they end up seeing very little play on the surface. Which is a bit of shame, considering these are some of our coolest weapons. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33214930/ae5ef013e3ec9a83433fea6218f612b82dbb4147.jpg[/img] [h2]The Solution[/h2] So how do we fix this, or at least try to widen our weapon enthusiasts’ horizons? Our answer to this one is: MKII weapons! Basically, several of our currently existing weapons have been looked at and will receive a new variation, the so-called MKII version. MKII weapons will be generally stronger than their classic counterparts. This can translate into a different power level, more attachments slots or possibly a bigger magazine size. MKII weapons will be of a higher quality tier than the current versions. They will also have a specific caveat in that they can only be found on the surface, either looted from a hidden stash or grabbed from the clammy hands of a foamed Prospector. No crafting or purchasing also have the added benefit of increasing the chances a random crate will have you go “oh wow, jackpot!”, which is always a nice feeling. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33214930/ddf0c899bb6e9c622d8ea9e4559187dfff1bdd01.jpg[/img] [h2]The... other solution[/h2] Saying we’re adding those stronger versions would only be a partial answer to the problem established above. After all, you might think the mention of MKII weapons implies the existence of MKI weapons, right? Well, you would be right on the money there! The “too good to use” weapons we’ve mentioned definitely don’t need a power boost, as they’re already pretty high on the power scale and we don’t want to develop a new “way too good to even consider using once in a blue moon” syndrome. Instead, we will be introducing weaker and, more importantly, more common versions of these guns to the pool, in the hope we will start seeing them a bit more often in the field. As an important note, the current versions of those weapons will de facto be considered MKII weapons, which means they will become surface-only plunder, while the new versions will replace them on the station. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33214930/63ac352f6b9c85fdd724429a3d327a05139c2033.jpg[/img] Well, guess that’s already it! More details on these new weapon variations will be made available very soon. In fact, you might even get the chance to try them yourselves much sooner than anticipated... Until then, stay tuned for next week, take care of yourselves, don’t cross the Zeus Beams and have fun on the surface. Fortuna Favors the Bold!