[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32222500/f3c6f3a7c91cddba6164adae08ac4b00f6b44736.gif[/img] [b][u][h1]PLAY AS A TRAITOR TO THE CLUB[/h1][/u] [/b] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32222500/c8a4118e7ed3d083aa8f5589bc9b92a432218eaf.jpg[/img] The primary focus of this update has been the introduction of the new STALKER MODE. Playing as a stalker pits you as a kid working against the club. You invade their missions and record them for the enemy. Every time you record them or their crimes their sins are logged, notifying the nearby AI and eventually calling out [i]The Shape[/i]. Once the shape is out, every recording shows the shape where the kids are. You are victorious if every member of the club is put to sleep by the shape. [i]THIS IS VERY HARD TO DO![/i] The stalker is very weak relative to the club, so victory will be rare. Your score is stored however and you can be rewarded just for that. More on that later. To invade a game requires a [b]STALKER DOSSIER[/b]. These are seeded into the world on conditions you will have to discover yourself and will be rare initially. When you invade a game you can move between red doors and enter unnannouced. The kids wil NOT know you are there until you start recording them or their sins. Each time you do this they receive an in game message. If they catch you, YOU LOSE, if they complete their mission, you ALSO LOSE. So be sneaky, be careful, choose your moments! You can return to the red doors after a cooldown, use them smartly to lose pursuit and confuse your enemies. [b][u][h1]CATCH THE VENOMOUS TRAITOR[/h1][/u] [/b] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32222500/40110a55e015043b81c61072952cbfeccd18dab0.jpg[/img] As loyal club kids you may be invaded by a stalker after reaching LEVEL 5! When they enter your mission you will NOT KNOW until they start recording you. Work as a team to bring them down for bonus XP. The kid that catches the stalker also gets added to the leaderboard and gets a little extra XP. [b]AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN INVADED ONCE, YOU WILL NOT BE INVADED AGAIN UNLESS YOU INVADE SOMEONE ESLE[/b]. Once you have invaded another player, all games you host can be invaded going forward -[b] INVASION IS OPTING INTO STALKER MODE[/b]. Stalkers can only invade missions that have more than one player to make sure the club kids have the advantage. So team up if you want to see Stalkers! [u][h1]NEW LEADERBOARDS, UNIQUE REWARDS[/h1][/u] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32222500/2485548a96bf45eefd6b956011e7a9b72655cd88.jpg[/img] With this update come new leaderboards: [b]Most Stalkers Caught[/b], [b]Most Wins As Stalker[/b], and [b]Highest Stalker Score[/b]. Every week these leaderboards will reset, and the players at the top of each will receive a unique customization that can only be earned through this system! You can view the Stalker Wins and Score in the new Stalker Van (available after level 5), and the Stalkers Caught leaderboard is visible in the normal hideout. [b] [u][h1]A LIVING EXPERIMENT[/h1][/u][/b] We have tested this mode internally as much as we could, but we realize that the reality with live players could be very different. We expect to continue to iterate on this mode and make changes based on community feedback. Invasions may be too rare or too common, Stalkers might not have enough missions available to invade, there is much we expect to learn and we look forward to hearing what you think. Stalking is not available ALL THE TIME by design, we consider this an addition, not the core mode of play. [b][u][h1]FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS[/h1][/u][/b] As usual this update comes with many fixes and improvements including basic eye animations for the kids (your eyes even close when you shut them in game), a new Sleeper pajama mesh (hi mom!), and fixes to missions and level geo. There have also been [b]significant [/b]optomizations to reduce load on the CPU, which should really help framerates on host players. To see that full list you can go to the forums and look [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/599080/discussions/0/1741105805751610966/]here[/url] THANK YOU ALL FOR PLAYING! -Question