[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44646067/8dfc4d8e589eb86c1305c5fd8cf7371122a3ba7d.png[/img] We love pixel art games, and we know you do too. So, let’s celebrate together 🎉 We’re super excited to share that TH3-M15 Guild joins PixElated Festival next week! This festival is featuring some of the best pixel art games on Steam. From retro-style classics to contemporary indie gems all in one place! There will be ✨ discounts ✨ live streams ✨ art contest ✨ demos✨ developer chats ✨ all centered around your favorite games. Check out the official line-up and more information about the event here: http://pixelatedfest.com/