
Listen, Terraria fans. I don't want to rush you, but that giant patch you received a few days ago? You might not have the eternity to enjoy it that you previously assumed. Terraria's creator, Andrew 'Redigit' Spinks, has revealed that he's working on a sequel to the side-scrolling craft-'em-up, and despite some core similarities to the first game, he's teasing "infinite worlds" to be explored.

"I’m super excited about starting Terraria 2," Spinks told RPS. "It’s a ways out, but it’s gonna have a lot in common with the original. It’s gonna be quite different as well. I really want to expand on the whole Terraria universe.

"There’s a lot of stuff I’m locked into with Terraria. The way loot works, the way character progression works. In Terraria 2, I really want to have infinite worlds so you’re not just stuck to one world. You can travel anywhere. I want more biome diversity in that, too. There’s a lot of stuff ."

Not that development on Terraria: The First has finished just yet. While Spinks isn't planning anything on the scale of 1.2, he does want to finish the endgame progression within the next couple of months, as well as work on a possible Halloween update.

You can read the full interview over at RPS.