Good day Terrarians! As you hopefully noticed, we had some pretty big news to share at E3 this week! During the PC Gaming Show, we revealed live to the world that the in-development 1.3.6 update is no more... the next update to Terraria will in fact be the fourth major update we have developed for the game, which we are calling Terraria: Journey's End! For those that were unable to watch the reveal live, we have shared the teaser trailer below - along with some key details and a bit of what we expect will be your FAQ. As we always do, we have left out a ton of juicy details and other content and features that will be included with Terraria: Journey's End. Some of those have or might be spoiled between now and launch, but others will remain a secret until you have the update in your hands later this year. So, without further ado... we present to you Terraria: Journey's End! ---- [b] [h1]KEY FEATURES REVEALED THUS FAR[/h1][/b] [list] [*] Terraria: Journey’s End includes a full re-visit to all elements of Terraria. Over time, some things may have felt left behind or made obsolete by newer content. No more! Old things made new and new elements added to flesh out the overall experience – think you know all there is to know about Terraria? Think again! [*] Terraria: Journey’s End will include over 800 new items for players to find or craft! [*] Terraria: Journey’s End adds new foes to defeat and challenges to overcome as you seek fortune and glory. [*] Terraria: Journey’s End will see a full revamp of world generation – including overall improvements and a handful of new mini-biomes to explore. [*] Quality of Life improvements abound in Terraria: Journey’s End! From Block Swap to the Void Vault, these will ensure that the player spends more time doing what they enjoy most – and having more fun at the same time. [*] Terraria: Journey’s End will see the addition of an in-game Bestiary. As players defeat higher numbers of any given foe, they will learn more about them – from key statistics to even what each foe can drop as loot! [*] Terraria: Journey’s End will bring the hallowed game of Golf to Terraria. Golf? That’s right, Golf. Trust us, it is insanely fun – so get your golf skills up to par now! [*] Terraria: Journey’s End will add an all new difficulty mode. Beyond the existing Expert Mode, this is intended to be a true challenge for the most experienced and skilled Terrarians – a true gauntlet for the best of the best. Will your gaming skills and creativity be up to the task? [*] Terraria: Journey's End adds in all new and enhanced weather effects. [/list] ---- In case you missed any spoilers along the way (outside of the trailer above), we have created a spoiler compendium for your viewing pleasure. You can find that by clicking the link below: [url=][b]TERRARIA: JOURNEY'S END SPOILER COMPENDIUM​[/b][/url] ….and that’s just what we have in so far – the team is going to remain hard at work over the next several months to not only perfect what we have in and planned now, but to also add in a handful of other surprises and features that we will share with everyone in the coming months. Stay tuned and watch our official Forums/Discord/Twitter/Instagram/Facebook for regular spoilers and reveals in the run-up to the launch of Terraria: Journey’s End! We have included a quick Q&A below, but feel free to join the conversation about Terraria and Journey's End here on Steam, over on the Terraria Community Forums, or on the Official Terraria Discord Server (links below). [b][url=]Terraria Community Forums E3 Announcement[/url][/b] [b][]Official Terraria Discord Server[/url][/b] ---- [h1][b]TERRARIA: JOURNEY'S END FAQ[/b][/h1] ​ [b]Q: So, is Journey's End the same as Terraria 1.4?[/b] A: [i]Yes! This is the fourth major update to the game, continuing in the tradition of 1.1-1.2-1.3[/i] [b]Q: Will Journey's End cost extra?[/b] A: [i]For owners of Terraria on PC (Steam/GOG/Etc), Journey's End will be a free update - this continues our long-standing tradition of providing substantial free content to our fan[/i]s. [b] Q: Will Journey's End come to Consoles? Mobile? Switch?[/b] A: [i]Eventually, yes - but likely not at the exact same time.[/i] [b]Q: When will Journey's End release?[/b] A: [i]We expect to have this update out prior to the end of the year. However, as we always say... it will be ready when it is ready.[/i] [b]Q: What happened to 1.3.6?[/b] A: [i]As we got further and further into development, we started to realize that 1.3.6 was reaching a tipping point... one where if we decided to add in a handful of big ideas we have had for some time, it would really feel worthy of a 1.X tier update[/i]. [b] Q: Why call it Journey's End instead of 1.4?[/b] A: [i]Our current plan is for this to be the crowning update to Terraria. We do not currently have any plans to tackle additional updates, outside of fixes and maybe a few tidbits here and there to shore things up.[/i] [b]Q: So, what does that mean for Terraria? Re-Logic?[/b] A: [i]Terraria will remain the vibrant and amazing game that it always has been! There is plenty more coming down the road for Console/Switch/Mobile (including some things we have not revealed just yet), and with the available mods - plus any future mods - on top of what is a VERY robust core game, we are confident Terraria will be trucking along for many, many years to come. Of course, we will stay involved with all of you - you make this possible, and we always enjoy hanging out. For Re-Logic, this means that we will finally be tackling our second title. We do not yet know what this will be - and it may not even be a Terraria title - so expect a time of silence from us on that front until we are ready to share more what we decide to pursue.[/i] [b]Q: You said the spoilers and trailer don't show everything in Journey's End. What else can we expect?[/b] A: [i]From additional content to some really cool features, we only wanted to share some selected things at this point (plus there is only so much we can pack into a 90 second video!). We have spoiled more in the previous months and will continue to do so as we head to launch. As always, we will leave some surprises in there for you to discover on your own! [/i]