Happy Terraria 1.3 Launch Day everyone!!! It has been a long road - one full of sleepless nights and tiring nights, laughter and tears, successes and setbacks - but the time has finally come for us to turn our labor of love for the past year or so over to you, our loyal fans. Terraria 1.3 touches on many aspects of the game - from re-imagined sprites and backgrounds to new features and - of course - the new content that you crave - that we truly feel it refreshes and revitalizes the entire Terraria experience. We are confident that you will enjoy what it has to offer! Perhaps most exciting to the team are the ways in which Terraria 1.3 streamlines the multiplayer experience. Gone are the days of port-forwarding and endless IP sharing for anyone seeking to connect quickly with their friends for an ore-hunting session or to team of up that tough boss fight. We have always felt Terraria was best with a buddy (or ten) - so if you haven't yet, now is an opportune time to try out multiplayer! (Do note that dedicated servers will still need to use the standalone server software, which you can download HERE). Well, enough "memory lane" from us - on to what you came for: the specifics of the launch! --- [b]Timing: Terraria 1.3 is expected to be available around 1pm EDT today (June 30, 2015)[/b] [b][u]SPECIAL TERRARIA 1.3 LAUNCH DISCOUNT[/u] We will be running a two day launch promotion in honor of the launch - Terraria will be 25% off ($7.50) today and tomorrow - starting when 1.3 launches at 1pm Eastern! If you are looking to pull in a new Terrarian with whom you can play multiplayer - this would be a good time to leverage those savings. [b]Terraria 1.3 Changelog: Click [url=http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/1-3-changelog.20617/]HERE[/url][/b] [i]Please note that Re-Logic makes no promises as to the completeness of this changelog. It's a game about exploration - go explore![/i] [b]Dedicated Server Software: Click [url=http://terraria.org/server/terraria-server-1302.zip]HERE[/url][/b] [b]Want to share your feedback about the 1.3 Update: [U][URL=http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/1-3-launch-feedback-thread.20661/]OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD[/URL][/U][/B] [b]Have a Terraria 1.3 Bug to Report (please give as much information as possible): [U][URL=http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?forums/pc-bug-reports.113/]TERRARIA PC BUG REPORT SECTION[/URL][/U][/B] ---[/b] So, what now? Now you go play what we have worked so tirelessly on all these many months while we sit back and await your feedback. Who knows, we may spend some time hanging around in streams or just chatting with you guys. What's next? Well, besides any needed hotfixes, we take a deep relaxing breath before we launch headlong into our next projects - for Terraria, Terraria: Otherworld, and beyond! Thanks - as always - for your passionate support for our game, our team, and our vision as a game developer. This community is truly special, and we cannot wait to continue bringing you amazing gaming experiences in the months and years to come! Enjoy!