Hello Robocrafters Hovercraft reborn update launches on the 7th of December! A highly requested feature that many were after was Undo! We’re pleased to reveal that Undo will be a part of the next update! We previously shared an exciting video that showed undo in action [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_cb59b5c3f0aa42feb2c2f54b829b143b~mv2.gif[/img] Of course, take some time to sit down, put on the kettle and collect yourself from the exhilarating footage you just witnessed! When you’re ready, we’ll continue talking about some of the features that we have provided in Undo and why it will be an incredibly useful tool! Firstly, we haven’t quite decided how many steps of undo you’ll be able to go back by. We’re currently thinking that it might be up to 200 steps. But in some cases, it might be useful to go back even further. The issue that this raises is the more steps of undo that you are given, the higher the memory usage of your machine. We’re considering whether we should let you decide how many steps of undo you are able to go back by via a slider in the options menu. As a point of reference, graphic editors like Blender only allow you to go back 50 steps for this reason and you often have a lot of other software that have the same limitations. In Robocraft 1, you were not able to enter test mode until you saved the craft. At this point, any changes you made before then were permanent and an Undo would not save you if you made the machine perform worse. In Robocraft 2, it will remember your steps even when you return from testing your robot. So if you’ve made a bit of a mess of your vehicle, just undo it when returning back to building! The Undo feature does not currently work with materials and colours, but that functionality will be added in a following update. In a surprise addition, We have added another feature… Redo! That’s right, Undo & Redo will launch in the next patch, Redo performs in the same way as Undo, except instead of undoing your actions, it will redo anything. Undo & Redo will be part of the Update launching on 7th December. Tomorrow we’ll share more news and information on another feature planned for the next update.