Hello Robocrafters! Earlier this morning the Robocraft 2 Steam Page was unlisted on Steam by mutual agreement between Freejam and Valve as part of our plans to rebuild Robocraft. To re-iterate, we have decided to rebuild Robocraft from the ground up to be an authentic modern reproduction of the classic game from 2014-2015. Robocraft 2 early access is still running and is still available to all those who have it in their library, but the store page can no longer be found by new users by searching on the Steam Storefront. As stated previously, we are offering full refunds to any players who spent money on Robocraft 2 in its current early access form. To do this, request your refund via Steam's normal refund process. If you have any problems please contact Freejam customer support here: [url=https://freejam.uvdesk.com/en/]https://freejam.uvdesk.com/en/[/url] If you do not choose to get a refund we will ensure that you receive 3x the value of the money you have spent within Robocraft 2 as Premium within the rebuild (when Premium exists) as well as ensure you have the full value of your Galaxy Cash as a balance restored within the rebuild (when Galaxy Cash exists). If you’re interested in the rebuild of Robocraft and want to follow the development we’ll be sharing more information on our discord and via the original Robocraft Steam Page. [url=https://discord.gg/robocraft-2-796036110341373954]Discord[/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/301520/Robocraft/