Hello Robocrafters! It’s update time! We are also now out of maintenance and are getting ready for NEXT FEST! And if you haven’t done so already, please make sure to add the game to your Steam Wishlist now! It really helps us out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1991140/Robocraft_2/ This update includes new content and a number of improvements! Check it out below! Firstly, the Steam Next Fest Island is now live and players will be able to unlock the EVIL items right now! We’ve increased the player level to 73 so you can begin earning tech points to unlock these awesome new cosmetic items! We’ve got a new cosmetic material, new skins, a new switch plate, and some profile customizations too! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_4ab07358ad674dca8bb19f6ed36ef455~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_1920,h_1080,al_c,q_90/062663_4ab07358ad674dca8bb19f6ed36ef455~mv2.jpg[/img] The entire NEXT FEST Island content is available to unlock for free. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_4483f37f7cd646559fb9ddd948e5bf30~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_2396,h_1496,al_c,q_90/062663_4483f37f7cd646559fb9ddd948e5bf30~mv2.jpg[/img] [h3]MORE LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS![/h3] You thought we were stopping at visual improvements with the new interiors! Of course not! We’ve made a few more adjustments. Firstly the towers now emit light based on the colour of the tower! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_1dd08ef14f7943aeb8210bce90384518~mv2.gif[/img] We’ve also improved the visual look of the flooring for interiors! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_f787bf774d1348fc94b4950403a4c7f0~mv2.gif[/img] The final change for this update is dynamic indoor/outdoor lighting. As you move into buildings and under cover the lighting will adjust accordingly by adjusting the post-processing filters to suit whether the player is within an interior or outside. One of the areas we noticed that there was some drain on performance was when the game created the wheel smoke effects. We’ve made some adjustments and you should see an increase in performance. Other changes: [list] [*] Client Crash fixes [*] Opacity change for Crosshairs [*] Rebalanced Mass on unobtanium used in Powerful Robocraft. This should feel a little different to drive and be heavier. [*] Fixed incorrect string for the Battle Matrix unlock. [/list] The CRF Search fix is also underway and may not immediately work but we are expecting it will be fixed within the next day.