Hello Robocrafters! In a couple of days on the 7th of December, Robocraft 2 will receive its first content update! Today’s post covers the scoreboard and the new announcer! We previously shared an image of the scoreboard in an earlier post but now we can confirm that it will be part of the next update! The scoreboard will track: [list][*] Kills [*] Death [*] Assists [*] DMG Dealt [*] DMG taken [*] Objectives[/list] To count as an assist you must be the last person to deal damage to the Pilot or their robocraft before someone else kills a pilot. You can look at the scoreboard at any time by pressing tab. You can click the right mouse button while the scoreboard is open to sort the player list. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_0d3b9e10b32d4b9bb6a5086d3ce108f7~mv2.gif[/img] [h2]New Announcer[/h2] We’ve had a lot of reactions to the announcer's voice since it debuted. Some players liked the voice, and others disliked it. One of the requests that was made by many players was to have an announcer that was similar to RC1. We will be updating the announcer's voice and you can hear some sample clips below: [previewyoutube=lzGZXSimroM;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you like the new announcer!