Hello Robocrafters! We're planning to run a Steam Playtest on the 1st of August and are planning to invite a number of players to come and join us! This is a pretty big update for us as we are working on providing greater onboarding to help players understand the game and its building systems. [h2]MASCOT ROBOCRAFT[/h2] Do you have a robot that you worked really hard on and you want your friends to see? We’re making a lot of changes to the main menu in preparation for parties and one of the things we’re doing is allowing you to customise your main menu. If you’ve unlocked various skins and profile options, you’d have seen these all shown on your character already. But in the background, there is a single switch plate which is empty. NOT ANYMORE! Here’s what it looks like with a banana kart on the plate! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_2cfd5d2a10c84219b249e687b299db97~mv2.png[/img] You can add a number of different types of Robocraft on this switch plate, they don’t all have to be banana themed! So how do you set your mascot? Simply enter build mode and press the Mascot button as shown by the arrow in the image below! [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_587af80b590d4d34a70819920021ece6~mv2.png[/img] What robot will be your Robocraft Mascot?! Let us know! [h2]MAP OBJECTIVES DISPLAY[/h2] We’ve had a lot of moments where players were not entirely clear about what they needed to do to win a game and would sometimes even spot new players attacking their own base as they thought they were attacking the core objective! We wanted to help provide more info by including a description of the map objectives in the matchmaking screen. Each time you play online, you'll be loaded into a random map and will be given information about the map name and its objectives while matchmaking. You can then make some decisions regarding what kind of robocraft you want to begin with when you eventually get into a game [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_fe404453eb81418db798cda6f30dd9d7~mv2.png[/img] These objectives are visible also mid-game while waiting to respawn. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_0f6728e83fc94a2ea6d6113902cb4048~mv2.png[/img] [h2]LANDSCAPE AND ROAD CHANGES[/h2] We’ve made a number of improvements to the Mars Cliffs and roads so they look more natural! the ground is now a little more uneven instead of a flat surface and the collision has been updated to make it feel more like an offroad driving experience. We've also updated the cliffs so they no longer look so uniform and the peaks are more natural. [previewyoutube=Kngqo7-dD3w;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]DESEATING[/h2] We had reports from players that being deseated from your machine when you took significant damage to the pilot seat caused them to be confused as it wasn’t clear that this is what happened Additionally, because players would place their seat deep inside their robocraft the camera would sometimes cause some conflict with nearby blocks and make it very difficult to see and disorient players. There are a few ways that we have addressed these issues. This will now happen when you are defeated: [list] [*] Text will appear on screen reading “DESEATED” [*] Audio will confirm that you have been deseated [*] The screen edge effect will be coloured Cyan [*] A spherical explosion will play around the area of the seat to remove nearby blocks [/list] Here’s how it looks in action [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_49e02b3812f04f2688342eda2409be06~mv2.gif[/img] Make sure to add Robocraft 2 to your wishlist and register for the Playtest if you want to join us in a couple of weeks to play the next big update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1991140/Robocraft_2/ [url=https://twitter.com/Robocraft2Game]Follow on Twitter [/url] [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@robocraft2game]Follow on Tiktok [/url] [url=http://discord.gg/7352EBj2vk]Join The Discord[/url]