Hello Robocrafters! We've been working on a number of new features for Robocraft 2, the first of which is a Zoom feature. this is a new input that can be found in all weapons. By default, it is hooked up to Right mouse button, but you can activate it by assigning it to another output or logic if you so desired! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42382920/1fe83bed28f41d42dd78465a7a3534a450ff16ed.jpg[/img] Here’s how it looks in use with the All In One turrets [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_1d8b27bb1a9c40b999732a3e3dcc6845~mv2.gif[/img] Additionally, the laser projectiles are given a speed increase. Lasers are designed to currently combat airborne robocraft which is why their zoom is quite generous. Plasma weapons have a much shorter zoom range in comparison because they are designed to fight ground units at relatively close range. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/062663_b2516b6ca20f4476853e0b121a8ed26b~mv2.gif[/img] Alongside this new feature are a number of other changes to the Plasma Explosive, which is now called the Arc Discharger. This particular block previously had a 45-second cooldown before it could be used and was particularly weak. We made some changes to buff its strength but due to the damage model we used, it caused catastrophic damage to other players, ignoring armour. Check out these clips captured by our community: [previewyoutube=kIugSn51vM0;full][/previewyoutube] We have since made major changes to this explosive block which include of course the rename we mentioned earlier to Arc Disruptor. The blocks no longer take 45 seconds to re-arm, instead they work a little differently, requiring a charge time. When you press the fire button, the explosives will be detonated 6 seconds later. This 6 second charge is accompanied by VFX and audio which will act as a warning to other players who are close by. [previewyoutube=t8e87MTV7Kk;full][/previewyoutube] [url=https://twitter.com/Robocraft2Game]Follow on Twitter [/url] [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@robocraft2game]Follow on Tiktok [/url] [url=http://discord.gg/7352EBj2vk]Join The Discord[/url] [h2]Wishlist and sign up to the playtest! [/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1991140/Robocraft_2/