[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//554111/a700bfd996e4ecbff5f08f3f5941a77081d895b9.png[/img] [b]Boo! Ahh![/b] Hope that didn’t scare you too much, because there’s something much scarier than that in store for you! What could be scarier than that you ask. Zombies? Witchcraft? A visit from the IRS? Well other than that last one, it’s much scarier… Operation Holographic Harvest is a Halloween themed charity event created and hosted by Potato.TF! Fight your way through over two dozen community-created maps and missions and [b]complete at least 8 missions to receive an in-game medal![/b] Servers are available in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. [url=https://potato.tf/]Click here to get started[/url]! You can watch the full Operation Holographic Harvest Trailer [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1s02pbf-U8]here[/url]! Feeling generous this Halloween? Potato.TF is also running a fundraiser for the Rainforest Trust! [b]Donate as little as $5 to receive an in-game medal![/b] Have the link to your Steam profile ready and [url=https://potato.tf/charity]click here for more information[/url]. Hurry up and play while you can! The event will end on December 1st, 2022. Important Links: [list] [*][url=https://discord.gg/M8YbW3k]Discord[/url] [*][url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers]Steam Group[/url] [*][url=https://potato.tf/]Website[/url] [/list]