Well, would ya look at that; we're on the cusp of a brand new year! 2023 has been a busy one and ended up being more about building good foundations than it has been about big razzle-dazzle features. That said this year has included the release of the Mod browser, Mac Support, Symbiotes, and many many assets. All that building has set us up for an exciting start to 2024 with big performance improvements coming to the backend, the full release of creature modding, and the introduction of [url=https://bouncyrock.com/news/articles/seats-a-new-way-for-your-friends-to-play-in-talespire]Seats[/url] all lined up for release early in the year. We don't want to keep you here any longer than necessary, so let us just say thank you once again for supporting us and for allowing TaleSpire to grow from a fun idea to way more than even we expected. We've still got a ways to go to deliver the vision, and we are thrilled to be making that journey with you. So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and God Jul to you all! See you in the new year.