Pull up a chair, the Seats feature is here! Campaigns need people, and seats are a new, optional way to bring those people into your adventures. Before now, everyone who wanted to join a campaign needed to buy their own copy of TaleSpire. We heard from your feedback, especially those of you running many campaigns, that this wasn’t always feasible for your players. Now, anyone with a full copy of TaleSpire has the ability to purchase additional seats for guests to use. Your guests then use [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881860/]TaleSpire - Guest Edition[/url], which is free to download from Steam, and they are ready to go! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881860/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/8b0459ba2fae835e9bf3f032b7c08db2494268a7.png[/img][/url] All features (including modding) are available to guests. The only limitations guests experience are not being able to create their own campaigns or buy seats themselves. [h3]How to get started[/h3] We have quick start guides both for [url=https://talespire.com/getting-started-with-seats-as-a-guest]getting started as a guest[/url] and also [url=https://talespire.com/getting-started-with-seats-as-talespire-player]getting started as TaleSpire player[/url]. If you own a full copy of TaleSpire, then you want the second link. [h3]A few common questions[/h3] [b]Q: [/b]Can we still get full copies of TaleSpire as we did before?  [b]A: [/b]Absolutely, that is not going away. This is an addition, not a replacement, and if you don’t need seats, you can safely ignore this whole announcement! [b]Q: [/b]My party and I already have TaleSpire. How does this affect me? [b]A: [/b]Not at all; nothing is changing. The Seats feature is just a new tool to help some folks bring in their players. [b]Q:[/b] Doesn’t this mean the GM has to buy seats for everyone?  [b]A:[/b] Mercifully, no. Anyone with a full copy of TaleSpire can own seats, and they bring those seats to any campaign they are in. [b]Q: [/b]I run five campaigns, each with four players. Do I seriously need to buy twenty seats?!  [b]A: [/b]Definitely not! Your seats are infinitely reusable across campaigns. They move with you automatically. That means that four seats would cover all twenty players. Remember also that you don’t need to be the one providing all the seats, anyone with the full game can bring a seat to the campaign. [h3]Reporting issues[/h3] While this release doesn’t appear to be that big in the game itself, we have an unrelated but extensive upgrade to the backend landing today. As always, if you find bugs or experience issues, please reach out to us at [url=https://feedback.talespire.com]https://feedback.talespire.com[/url] . We also haunt the [url=https://discord.gg/talespire]Discord server[/url], and there are thousands of lovely folks there who are a wellspring of tips, tricks, and knowledge! [h3]That’s enough rambling from us[/h3] We are happy to be providing a new option for getting people into TaleSpire. As with all things, it has its tradeoffs, but we hope this is handy for a good bunch of you. With seats shipped, we are thrilled to be getting back into features and fixes and to keep driving towards the full release. We have a lot on the roadmap and we are going to deliver on all of it. Until the next dev-log or patch, Happy adventuring!