In just five days, we ship a whole new way to bring people into your adventures! TaleSpire Guest Edition is a free-to-download version of TaleSpire, with the only restrictions being that people using Guest Edition (who we call guests) cannot create new campaigns or buy seats. Everything else, like community-made creatures, Symbiotes, and HeroForge are all available. Guests can even become GMs and help build the campaign! For a guest to join a campaign, a "Seat" must be available for them. Seats are a completely optional, infinitely reusable "plus-one" to a campaign. Any person who has a full copy of the game can purchase additional seats for guests to use. Using seats, a party of one GM and four players can play TaleSpire for 60% of the cost of everyone buying full copies. It's not just about saving money, though. Seats are not tied to specific guests or campaigns, so they can be used across as many different parties as you like. This means you could GM for a hundred parties, each with four guest players, and you'd only need four seats for all four hundred of them! We are delighted to be getting ready to ship this feature. A big thanks to you all for your patience as we wrestled this thing into existence. We've tried to make something just as useful to professional GMs as casual players. The design came directly out of your feedback, so thank you, and we hope you find it useful. As always, we are reachable on the Discord server and socials, so feel free to ping us with any questions. We have at least one more patch shipping before the weekend, so perhaps we'll see you there. Either way, have a great weekend. Monday is going to be fun.