The goal of this patch was to fix a bunch of tiny issues, but we snuck a bigger fix in there too. [list] [*]Fix help text for AOEs as it included info only relevant to rulers.[/*] [*]Disable creature keyboard movement for players when in cutscene mode.[/*] [*]Allow scrolling over board bookmark items.[/*] [*]When using the rename keybinding, creature names had to be at least three characters long. This restriction has been removed[/*] [*]Fix case where our HeroForge model cache wouldn’t delete dirs that still contained files[/*] [*]Fix bug that stopped the installation of mods to different drives[/*] [*]If you remove your HeroForge account while in the HF browser we now switch to the mod-browser[/*] [*]Fix more UI reveal errors affecting players[/*] [*]Symbiotes: The rulerResult objects were missing the ruler id. This is now fixed.[/*] [*]Group Selection is working again[/*] [/list] We are making good progress on the macOS release. We’ve had our testing session and are working through the bugs we found. Keep an eye on the [url=]dev-logs[/url] for more news! [i]NOTE: We have had to change our setup on Steam in preparation for the macOS release. This means that, even though almost no files have changed, Steam is forcing a full re-download. The next patch should be back to a sensible size. Thanks for bearing with these inconveniences during this transition.[/i]