[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/e204b57bd19ccf7df0c232626faee9fe789e96fe.png[/img] In light of reports on downgrading boards not working as intended, [b] we've temporarily removed the campaign list's downgrade button[/b]. It will come back within the next few days after these new issues have been resolved. [b]There are also a few UI/UX related fixes:[/b][list] [*] Fixed so UIExpand (Spacebar) remembers if Library was open. [*] Added 90 Degree rotation to props. (this rotates 90degrees from the current rotation) [*] Made it possible to Sample Gird height using Left-Click while holding Right-Click without picking up tiles. [*] Added a keyboard key for sampling grid as well, currently sampled to "H" and is available to rebind. [*] Added key for binding for Build light, moved it from "L" to "K" to not overlap with the flashlight. [*] Food items are no longer embedded in the prop tables. [*] Flipped chairs and tables props are now actually flipped. [/list] Thanks for all the reported bugs! We are working hard on sorting them out. Till next time!