Hi folks. This is a quick announcement to let you know that at 11:00am UTC, we will be performing some server maintenance which will cause an interruption to the game. [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=TaleSpire+Server+Maintenance&iso=20221206T12&p1=187&ah=1]Click here to see the time in your timezone[/url] We are scheduling one hour for the maintenance. However, usually, the downtime is around ten seconds. The server changes are to prepare for: [list] [*] The release of group-movement [*] Support for hiding board lists from players [*] Persistence for board-wide systems (like initiative lists) [*] Editing the range of vertical tools [/list] Also, we will reset the group-movement beta server in one hour. This only affects you if you are currently using the group-movement beta branch. Ciao