With most of the work being done on the new Chimera build to get it to a playable state (still quite some ways away), we've got a smaller update on our Dragon Build this week. Still pretty neat, though. [list][*]We've added names for dice roll groups when using DiceURLs. This will name the rolls in the history tab and show the initial group name on top of the roll result UI. Examples: [code] talespire://dice/Fireball:8d6[/code] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2020-11-18/rollFireball.png[/img] [code] talespire://dice/attack:d12+2/something%20else:3d20[/code] [*]We've added a shadow behind the cursor to make it easier to see in snowy areas. [/list] Till next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 5834553 - Download Size: 3.0 MB[/i]