The Camera Refactor created some new bugs when dealing with PhotoMode and Cinematic Mode. In addition to that Dice no longer collides with Hidden creatures and even though the TurnBased mode is due for a future refactor a couple of things were added. [list] [*] Stopped dice colliding with creatures when they are hidden [*] Fixed Depth of field settings not working on default camera mode in PhotoMode [*] Added ability to use height slider to set Camera Height in Freemode Using PhotoMode [*] Fixed Depth of field Settings not being applied when the game first starts [*] Fixed Cinematic Shots not syncing to players [*] Fixed Chromatic aberration not being available in PhotoMode when turned off in settings. It also now remembers previously set values. [*] Fixed Vignette value resetting when leaving and entering PhotoMode [*] Fixed where the PhotoMode FreeCam looks down when transitioning above ground level. [*] Hid Indicator in the Middle of board [*] Camera root indicator now hides when PhotoMode UI hides [*] Added Clear List in TurnBased Mode [*] Added ability to remove Creatures from TurnBased Edit Mode by right-clicking the Creature Icon [*] Added Outlines to the TurnBased Mode Creature names [/list] Thanks for reporting all these! Till Next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 8086015 - Download Size: 3.1 MB[/i]