This patch features a few bug fixes, tweaks, and changes but also pushes some internal code refactoring making it easier for us to expand on the Camera Controller. [list] [*] Photo size multiplier in PhotoMode removed (it has been broken and didn't actually upscale) [*] Right-click drag from Asset library into Asset Inventory. [*] Moving between photo mode and game mode is now less jarring. [*] Changed Torch, Flying, and Hide buttons in Radial Menu to be toggle buttons. [*] Added "H" hotkey for Hiding Creature while holding them [*] Fixed so you can pick Creatures through openings revealed by the Cut Volume/Box [/list] There is a DevLog that goes into a bit more detail [url=]here [/url] Till next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 8041055 - Download Size: 30MB[/i]