[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/3bf8c68abb45834d658e33774234e4005873d7c6.png[/img] In this update, we're featuring some of the assets from our "Help Design" Tier on Kickstarter. This is the first of our "Help Design" tier packs, and we will be releasing more of our Backer-designed assets in the future. Collaborating with the backers has been a blast. These assets do tend to take a little bit longer as we want to give them the attention they deserve. [b]These are not the Kickstarter Exclusive Minis. This pack is available to everyone![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/ea48d9b7220f1aab6c87a607f348ccd0aba8020b.jpg[/img] [h2]"Help Design" Tier Pack 01 includes the following:[/h2] [h3]Characters:[/h3][list] [*] Half-demon Tiefling Shopkeeper [*] Kobold Adventurer [*] Van Arbor (Elven Swashbuckler) [*] Yigmond Marbu (Gnome Spellcaster) [/list] [h3]Props:[/h3][list] [*] Dragonfolk statue (Animated) [*] Souls-like Bonfire featuring swordfish [/list] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-06-04/DragonStatue.gif[/img] [h3]Code Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Fix rare issue where asset changes could corrupt boards [*] Fix warning on light batching [*] Fix lighting glitches when placing more lights [*] Cut-volume works again [*] Fix issue where hide volumes could be made too small to select [*] Fix bug with copying slabs containing more than 13000 of the same kind of tile or prop [/list] [h3]Asset Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Pine tree fixes. Reduced triangle count, darkening of the trunk, and some scale issue fixes. [*] Fixed some wall alignments on Tavern Set [*] Texture fixes on Bloodqueen props [*] Fixed some Normal map Smoothing issues on the Moorgoth set [/list] [h3]Other:[/h3][list] [*] This update also features some horizontal variants of existing props. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/7280f976ca9f79cdbad3451153968eb099221d89.png[/img] That's it for this update. Have a good one! [i]BUILD-ID: 6814835 - Download Size: 216.0 MB[/i]