Hi everyone, We are back today with two new complimentary features: [list] [*] basic creature copy/paste [*] creature stat names import/export [/list] The first allows GMs to pick a creature and then Ctrl-C to copy the creature. This includes the name, colors, stats, health, and scale. It also is ready to support polymorph and tinting when those are released. The best bit is that when you copy a creature, we push a URL to your clipboard, which you can share with others to allow them to import the creature directly into their campaigns. You may also have used campaign settings to set up specific names for a creature's stats. You can now share these too. The campaign panel has gained a small button that will copy the stat names to your clipboard in a way you can share and that others can easily import into their own campaigns. This is just the start for creature copy/paste. In time we will bring the full multi-gm undo/redo support you've come to expect from regular building. But for today, that's the lot! We hope these help a little. Happy adventuring.