[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/d750843804bde08a3b4140fb8ead073c42eca47f.gif[/img] We're pushing the recent Beta branch into Live today, enabling Resolution Scaling/Scene Scaling. This is the ability to scale the Game's rendering resolution to keep the UI nice and crisp. Setting the Scene Scale value will allow you to run the game UI at Native Screen resolution while running the heavy calculations of the Game Viewport in a reduced resolution. Lowering the Scale can help with performance when using larger monitors and helps pave the way for Symbiotes and Mod support via custom-sized GameViewports. The Game Resolution scaling setting can be found under the Settings Menu as seen in the GIF above. [h3]In addition to the Scene Scaling, this build also contains some other fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Fixed where dragging out multiple singular walls would not drop where expected. [*] Fixed where placing a flying Unique Creature would drop it through tiles to the Ground Plane [*] Fixed where UI_FloorControllers would get a null exception when switching campaigns. [/list] Till next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 10532412 Download Size: 19.3 MB[/i]