Greetings! With this patch, we're releasing the initial iteration for the Attachment points! [h3]This is how you check it out:[/h3][list] [*] Go to Props in the Asset Library. [*] Find things like chains, fences, pipes, trees, etc. (not all props have attachment points) [*] Place a prop. [*] Hold [x] and try placing another Prop. See the preview of where it will attach. [/list] [img][/img] A couple of issues were found during the beta, and even though we wanted to fix these pre-release, they're taking a bit longer than anticipated. So, [h3]known issues are:[/h3][list] [*] Attached objects will be placed slightly off the attachment point, causing them to "travel" down when placed in sequence. [*] When using [x] for aligning to walls and the attachment points, the placed prop can end up with the wrong rotation [/list] We'll look at these issues once the ship set is out. Thanks, everyone, for your feedback! [i]BUILD-ID: 11016424- Download Size: 2.6 GB[/i]