[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/3b923312f87e06e05897ddfd2eb4330258155363.png[/img] Hail and harken, good folk of the land - it's time for another Early Access Release Pack! This one is a bit unique. We recently ran an adventure on [url=https://www.twitch.tv/blueboxrpg]BlueBoxRPG’s St. Jude Charity Live Stream[/url] for some good ol’ fashion TTRPG fun while supporting a good cause - and of course, we used TaleSpire! This Pack contains the minis, known as the Company of the Bounding Boulder, that starred in the adventure. [h3]Creatures:[/h3] [list] [*] Jonny Ree (BR) as Hubert Rocksocks (Dark Gnome Caster) [*] Jason Roy (BR) as Lok Rocksocks (Dark Gnome Warrior) [*] Demongund as Rahmris (Half-Demon Caster) [*] Istallri as Sand of the FordRiver (Human Warrior) [*] MadWizard as Baubard "Bobby" Fibbletor (Dwarf Warrior) [*] BlueBoxRPG as The Blue Wizard (Human Caster) [*] Plus, an added bonus - the most dreaded beast of the land - a Bunny Rabbit. [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Replaced reflection probe rendering with custom solution improving performance [*] Creatures with no name get asset name instead [*] Validate hash of sector files and non-unique creature data [*] Double right-click (move camera) is now pixel-perfect [/list] [h3]Other:[/h3][list] [*] Added 4 new stat slots adding up to 8 total. [/list] Until the next pack - have fun! [i]BUILD-ID: 7074049- Download Size: 46.8MB[/i]