[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/418f909f408d38c8591d26d4e8cb8a57abd54fd3.png[/img] We're at a point with the Chimera build that we're comfortable announcing the TaleSpire Early Access release date. The date is the [b]14th of April 2021[/b] and will be made available for purchase on Steam for [b]25USD(24.99) [/b](with regional pricing as per Steam's standard conversion) The plan is to get the Chimera-build out to all out Kickstarter backers on the 31st of March. Us having two weeks before the Early Access release will allow us to test some of the more critical systems with more people to make sure it is ready for new players to enter the boards. Once the Early Access is out, we will continue with the regular update schedule with new miniatures, tiles, props, and features. These will be separate from hotfix patches as they're likely to be frequent during the first few weeks post-release. We're also going to start work on finishing Kickstarter-specific rewards once the Early Access bug swapping pressure is off. So expect to hear more about those in the coming months. Thank you for all your support in making TaleSpire a reality! Best regards, The Bouncyrock Team