It is that time once again. This patch brings the following: [list] [*] A fix so that creature names no longer show when should be hidden [*] Improved performance of creature name layout [*] Increased max number of non-unique creatures per board. The max is now 600. [*] If someone tries to paste a published-board URI rather than using the standard mechanisms, then accept it and present the standard UI [*] A tooltip to explain that only campaign owners can publish boards from the campaign. [*] The ability to place gm-blocks on top of props [*] Fix some creature state not being cleared correctly on delete [*] A fix case that handles cases where self-illuminated creatures, such as ghosts, did not enable their lights on load. [*] A fix for cases where hide volumes did not update torch and light state. [/list] We are now back off to the Spire to hammer out more fixes. Fare thee well!