[b]Patch 18[/b] is upon us, and this one features colored bases. Add a brushing of color around the creature base of a goose. Makes it look real tough! [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-09-02/GoosePaint.gif[/img] [h3]Feature:[/h3][list] [*] Added ability to color creature bases[/list] [h3]Fixes/Tweaks:[/h3][list] [*] Fixed New Board button next to the board name not working [*] Tweaked Control points on Volumes (Hide and selection) to be more visible. [*] Enforce minimum size when creating HideVolumes and SelectionVolumes [*] Resize Control points to make it easier to grab the correct one when dealing with tiny volumes [/list] We're also coming up on an Asset Release soon. So watch out for that. Till next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 7293711- Download Size: 24.4 MB[/i]