[h3]UPDATE: We Introduced a bug with Fire and doors. It has now been fixed with a hotfix: BUILD ID : 7242204. [/h3] This Patch mainly features Knockdown. Our first persistent emote, or Status "effect". Persistent Emotes stay enabled on the creature till the effect is toggled "off" and is the foundation for doing things like Status Effects. You can find it via a new subtree added in the Creature Radial menu, where it can be toggled. [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-08-24/Knockcdown.gif[/img] It also works on converted props... most of the time. [h3]Features:[/h3][list] [*] Added Knockdown Status Emote (Persistent Emote) [/list] [h3]Fixes: [/h3][list] [*] Fixed where Debug button would overlap menu. It was based on Screen DPI, but is now based on InGame UI Pixel Scale. [*] Fixed Street Lanterns. The lanterns now show correctly when placed. [*] Fixed where bookmark icon wouldn't get masked in Campaign board menu. [/list] Hope everyone enjoys this Patch. Till next time! [b]NOTE: This patch required a lot of assets to be rebuilt, hence the large download size.[/b] [i]BUILD-ID: 7241689- Download Size: 1.2 GB[/i]