Hi everyone, this time, we have our first pass at supporting bookmarks. A bookmark is a marker that has been given a name. To turn a marker into a bookmark, simply right-click on it and use the option there to name it. Once you have done this, you can view and search them in the board panel (amongst other things). Right, let's go through that changelog. We have: [list] [*] Added bookmarks [*] Upgraded the GM boards panel so you can view and search boards and bookmarks from one place [*] Added talespire://goto/bookmark URLs. These let you jump right to a bookmark, even if you are in another campaign or if TaleSpire is not running. [*] A tweak so that tiles now drop in properly on board load. [*] A fix for a case where renaming was not updating the UI [*] Updated the bug-report button so that it links to the new bug tracker. [*] A fix that means that creature stats 4 to 8 now default to better values. [*] A fix so that tabbing between stat rename fields in the campaign settings panel works as expected [*] Fixed an error when switching boards with chat messages active. [*] Fixed a mistake that allowed creature names to be visible when creatures were behind the camera. [*] Fixed a bug in loading creatures which resulted in incorrect player ownership info. [/list] We still have lots to do with bookmarks. For example, markers and bookmarks are currently not published along with published boards. We are looking to fix this soon. We hope you like the direction this is heading. Until next time, Peace.