With this release, TaleSpire gains a brand new feature, the ability to take any prop and turn it into a creature! [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5c37ddfce13ec55f0ed3e4d6/2021-06-22/llcropped.gif[/img] It is perfect for animate object spells, mimics, and all sorts of story shenanigans. We can't wait to see how you use it. To get started simply: [list] [*] Switch to the GM-overlay [*] Click the new 'convert to creature' button [*] Click on the props you wish to turn into creatures [/list] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5c37ddfce13ec55f0ed3e4d6/2021-06-22/2021-06-22%2013-49-07.gif[/img] Have fun! p.s. Also included in this patch is a fix for an issue where small creatures behaved incorrectly with picking.