This patch brings an assortment of fixes to issues reported by the community. Thank you for all of the help we've received on the issue-tracker. Your pictures, videos, and step-by-step guides have allowed us to replicate and fix everything below. [list] [*] Fixed a bug where deleting a tile or prop could leave behind the colliders [*] Line-of-sight dependency issue no longer causes other systems to not be initialized [*] Fix a bug where tiles that were moved, were then not interacting correctly with the hide-plane [*] Fixed a case where moved tiles were pickable when hidden [*] Fixed a case where the hide-plane can skip tiles at certain positions [*] Fixed the slab tool as it was not respecting the rebinding of the 'rotate 90 degrees' button. [*] Fixed a bug where interactable assets were using the wrong colliders if they had a mix of static of dynamic parts [*] Fixed a bug which could result in creature state not being saved [*] Fixed a case where leaving photo-mode while UI was hidden caused some UI to be invisible [*] Fixed a bug where the initiative list is cleared if you delete the creature who is currently active [*] Fixed an error when trying to respawn a deleted unique creature. [*] Fixed a bug allowing players to teleport creatures they don't own [*] Fixed spelling in the grid sample button tooltip [*] Improve region handling of tile size and ruler measurements [*] Fixed incorrect help bar entry for creature teleport [*] Improved stats and hp handling of large values [*] Fix significant lag when pressing the zero key in the main menu [/list] More updates coming soon!