[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/af95094dfa0c573ae9376236ea5f4ec57c5b0e85.png[/img] We're releasing our largest single Tile/Prop pack so far, featuring over 90 new Tiles and Props pieces in the Theme of the Marble Palace. In addition to the Marble Palace, the collection contains a couple of flying creatures. The Griffin and the Harpy. [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-09-07/Shot.jpg[/img] [h3]Creatures:[/h3][list] [*] Griffin [*] Harpy [/list][h3]Tiles/Props:[/h3][list] [*] A large bird nest [*] Over 90 new Tiles and Props in the Marble Palace theme. [*] Marble Palace Floors [*] Marble Palace Walls [*] Marble Palace Roof [*] Marble Palace Props [/list] We're incredibly excited to see what everyone builds using this new set. We'll be keeping our eyes on the Show & Tale Discord channel. [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-09-07/MarblePalaceGif.gif[/img] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/manakeep/users/5a32768e3c545a189b7995cf/2021-09-07/Screenshot_1.png[/img] Till next time! [i]BUILD-ID: 7319027- Download Size: 90.9 MB[/i]