[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/0345648b70d1c1923a3b2f45fb0346f66b7d8a07.png[/img] Seasons Greetings from the TaleSpire team! As we're winding down the year and gearing up to enjoy some festivities, we didn't want to leave your adventurers bereft of their own fun and merrymaking - so we created this little pack that offers a variety of holiday assets (some in the Medieval category, and others in the Modern/Sci-fi): [list] [*] Turkey mini [*] Apple Mimic mini [*] Apple pie [*] Cornucopia [*] 2 Snowmen (standing and melted) [*] Cranberry sauce can [*] Cranberry sauce on a plate [*] Box of stuffing [*] Plate of gingerbread cookies [/list] We've also been collecting some excellent feedback from the recently released MegaDungeon set that we'll get back to work on regarding tweaks, enhancements, and additions. We hope you enjoy this holiday pack, and once again, thank you so much for supporting the project!