The ship tileset is finally here! [previewyoutube=kVUuacry79U;full][/previewyoutube] [img][/img] [h3]Patch Notes: Over 150 new tiles and props.[/h3][list] [*] Ship hull (all sorts of sides and pieces) [*] Wooden walls (plain and decorated) [*] Bowsprit (with and without Figurehead) [*] Ship helm [*] Dinghy parts [*] Mast pieces [*] Sails pieces [*] A bunch of rope [*] Cannons with various cannonball props) [*] Doors [*] Stairs [*] Various props such as hammocks, maps, cards, etc [/list] [b]The pack also comes with five new Pirate Minis![/b] [img][/img] [h3]Other additions and fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Added size tags back on Tiles in the Library [*] Improved visual feedback on Attachment Points and fixed issues where Attachment Points could not be used inside structures. [*] Added "Camera speed sliders" to PhotoMode [/list] Link to the board used in Trailer: [url=talespire://published-board/cXVlc3Qgb24gdGhlIGhpZ2ggc2Vhcw==/cc59dd004a462756437bc0a88f9cdca2]talespire://published-board/cXVlc3Qgb24gdGhlIGhpZ2ggc2Vhcw==/cc59dd004a462756437bc0a88f9cdca2[/url] [i]BUILD-ID: 11150758 - Download Size: 465.3 MB[/i]