[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/3484bd70b3c0d640fc5a65be1b324b8513bc8ad2.png[/img] Bubbling up from the abyss with new lava caverns tiles, vengeful demons, defenders of the heavens, and atmospheric elements to bind it all together is our latest Early Access Content Pack: Hellfire! [b]Included in the pack are the following assets:[/b] A 35-piece Lava Caverns tileset 23 props of devilish design 10 minis, including: [list] [*] Hell Hound [*] Kozra the Goatspawn [*] Blade Demon [*] Razgora the Seer [*] Fire Giant [*] Klojin the Cutter [*] Succubus [*] Kiroterror the flying skull [/list] 2 ambient SFX [Lava, Abyssal Winds] 1 battle music track [The Broken Circle] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/955059bb5ab97ef86a30792b601576636b6af254.png[/img] Oh, and heads up - while your party is busy driving back the hordes of hell, the TaleSpire art team will be working on our largest Content Pack to date… the Cyberpunk/Sci-fi release! No doubt some of you have already seen what’s in store and we’re super excited to get this content into your hands. That being said, there’s a lot more work we need to do before we can ship it out, so we’ll be going dark on assets for a bit. But don’t despair - the next time you see us, we’ll be reloading pulse rifles, jamming on cyberdecks, and sporting cool sunglasses under a neon sky! [i]BUILD-ID: 8371540 - Download Size: 867.8 MB[/i]