[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/716885d50f7c464d4347696ba22c38809be0e9a7.png[/img] [previewyoutube=lB5fUIbOmVk;full][/previewyoutube] Here is our first Content pack since the Early Access release. We're starting off with some city defenses and a group of suitable raiders! [h3][b]Here is a list of added content, changes, and bug fixes:[/b][/h3] [h3]Creatures :[/h3][list] [*] Gnolls (Warrior, Archer, Alchemist) [*] Hyena [/list] [h3]Tiles and Props :[/h3][list] [*] Palisade TileSet [*] Palisade Door [*] Palisade Various props [*] Abatis [*] Various stone and wood debris [*] Maple leaf piles [*] Animal Bones [/list] [h3]Changes:[/h3][list] [*] Moved some creatures from Monsterious into Humanoid and Construct [*] The Moorgoth flat roof texture tweak [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Fixed where compass would lose events once PhotoMode had been enabled once [*] Fix another initiative order issue when deleting creatures [*] Fixed where hidden creatures could create bright white shader artifacts [/list] Thanks for all the wonderful feedback! Onwards to our next Patch! [i]BUILD-ID: 6591993 - Download Size: 717.8 MB[/i]