We are delighted to publicly announce our partnership with [url=https://www.demiplane.com/]Demiplane[/url], which is the stand-out matchmaking service for tabletop gamers. Finding and organizing a party for your adventures can be surprisingly complicated, and common solutions often fall short. Up until now we have been curating a Looking For Group channel in our Discord server, but to improve this experience for our community, we wanted to turn to the experts. It’s a match made in heaven! At Demiplane, we found a passionate team dedicated to bringing people together and enhancing every step of the gameplay experience. Through matchmaking, journaling, and chat, they elevate not just the play session itself but those moments before and after. To bring this alliance to life, Demiplane have not only added TaleSpire as a supported platform, but have given users the option to use TaleSpire artwork in the adventure portal. They have also provided us with the tools to make a [url=https://demiplane.talespire.com/]TaleSpire-focused view into the Demiplane service[/url]. A big thanks also goes to the members of our Discord community who have been helping us test out the portal and giving us feedback over the last month. We’re proud to say that now, that portal is ready for you to take your first steps through. This, of course, is just the beginning Both [url=https://bouncyrock.com/news/articles/]TaleSpire[/url] and [url=https://www.demiplane.com/changelog]Demiplane[/url] are constantly striving towards improvement, and this makes us excited for the future. We can’t wait to see how this partnership evolves over the coming years, and we look forward to seeing how your stories flourish. Until then, whichever plane you find yourself in, happy adventuring! Would you like to know more? If you'd like guides to accompany your explorations, [url=https://demiplane.zendesk.com/hc/en-us]the Demiplane folks have written thorough guides[/url]. If you prefer a quick-start video guide, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMB6JYLk2aQ]they have you covered[/url].