[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36943214/fcde9f1893fd26a92ff96fa2e024d49550847c56.png[/img] The time is here for backers to start playing around with the Chimera build. It does feature some new things, such as :[list] [*] Asset Library, for better tile/prop/creature discoverability [*] New iteration on building tools allowing for better placement and clipping. [*] Prop system, for more granular placement of objects [*] Board Copy Publishing, to share a copy of your boards. [*] A nicer-looking Chat/Event History Tab, replacing the History tab. [*] Experimental In-Game-Chat [*] Key Binding [*] Tutorials (Work in Progress) [*] HelpBar (Work in Progress) [*] Chimera Miniature! [/list] [b]Coming within the next couple of weeks:[/b][list] [*] Party Line-of-Sight [*] Experimental Fog of War [*] Final Tutorials [*] Final HelpBar [/list] Chimera is a pretty massive update for us, it might appear a bit more trivial on the surface, but TaleSpire has essentially been rewritten to accommodate future scalability and stability. We were reaching the ceiling with what could be done with GameObjects in Unity when trying to scale up to the type of content you folks were creating. Moving away from this meant changing how the game draws its graphics as well as how physics works. (Dice and moving creatures etc.) Please keep this in mind when launching TaleSpire after this update. Some things will feel quite different, and there will be bugs in places where there previously wasn't, and stuff like controlling creatures and building, might feel a bit janky at times. These bugs will be addressed within the next couple of weeks as we get ready for the Early Access release. We will also finalize things like Tutorials and UI feedback during that time. We're thrilled with the direction Chimera has taken, and we hope you all bear with us in the time leading up to the Early Access as there will be more bugs than usual as we patch the final things together. [b]Please allow a while for us to work out the most pressing bugs that will occur when the new beta goes out.[/b] Our kindest regards, The Bouncyrock Team