We're here with another Bugfix Patch. [h3]Fixes and Changes:[/h3][list] [*] Persist user's choice of DB entry icon size in player-prefs. Fixes bug where changing between tiles/props/creatures reset the size [*] Fixed where the camera's target height value could go below the ground, causing a delay when moving up again. (Making it feel sticky) [*] Fixed where you can still select inventory items when it is hidden [*] Fixed where double-right-clicking to focus would ignore the ground plane if it happens to hit tiles or props embedded in the ground. [*] Fixed issues with Creature Lights and Torches when Creatures were hidden and unhidden. [*] Depth of Field is now disabled in Build Mode. [/list] Have a good one, folks! [i]BUILD-ID: 10055639 - Download Size: 18.5 MB[/i]