Hey folks, this patch brings an assortment of fixes to bugs that have plagued us for far too long. In no particular order, we have: [list] [*] A fix for the bug where hide-volumes that are created in empty zones were not saved [*] A fix for a case where board deserialization taking multiple frames could result in a crash [*] Fixed the scroll direction of the slider on the atmosphere panel [*] Stopped sending send chat messages if they have a length of zero [*] Started disabling all animators on asset load. This stops doors opening when being placed and props from animating when turned into creatures. [*] Fixed a bug in hide-volumes where deleting volumes and switching boards could result in exceptions that stopped all hide volume UI from working [*] A tweak so that sampling assets from the board now updates the highlighted category button in the UI [/list] We hope to squash a bunch more bugs over the next week. See you in the next patch!