Ready for more bug fixes? Well, we have some. Three long-standing bugs fall today. They are: A case where the line-of-sight state wasn't cleared when switching boards. This resulted in random creatures being visible A bug where removing the last creature from the party wouldn't update the line-of-sight The issue where hide-volumes didn't hide lights Lastly, we are adding a bug back in! I know that sounds strange, so let me explain. Players being able to teleport creatures was not intended. However, the feedback we got yesterday taught us that people have been using it and, in fact, it has become important to the play style for some people. We do not want to mess with this until we have and proper solution, so we are restoring this bug. We will then incorporate this into the improved player controller coming next year. And that's it for today. Tomorrow, we will be back with one last patch in our Christmas bug-fixing marathon. Until then, happy adventuring!